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페이지 정보

작성자 이미옥 작성일21-05-28 23:54 조회10,003회 댓글1건


이름 : 이미옥
총채무액 :
연락처 : 01020746259
관심분야 :

내용 : 무료상담신청


may님의 댓글

may 작성일

Now based in Melbourne, So’s mixed-media practice combines drag https://www.espurse.ru/blog/blog_1.htm , performance art, and visual art in everything from live operatic performances to self-styled theatrical studio shoots https://www.espurse.ru/Prada-18.html featuring garments of his own creation. His work invites viewers to consider the role of fashion in culture and society, exploring the idea of a high fashion ‘illusion’ through the lens of an artist who does not identify as being part of the fashion https://www.espurse.ru/Hermes-9.html industry.
So began to explore https://www.espurse.ru the creative possibilities at the intersection of photography, performance and textiles while studying fine art at the Victorian College of the Arts. With no formal https://pursev.ru sewing or fashion design training, he would sneak into the costume department and ask the staff if he could use the sewing machine to experiment with making kimonos and cheongsam  https://www.allpurse.ru/blog/ in whatever fabric he could find

“But I realised that I enjoy cultural clothing as much as high fashion https://www.espurse.ru/Handbag-168.html , and I started exploring the elegance and glamour present in other styles of clothing I could access, garments that were familiar to me like kimonos and the traditional Chinese cheongsam.”


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주소 : 원주시 만대로 200-22, 블루타워 301호
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